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This article may contain major spoilers for the Dandadan manga series.
Please read at your own risk.

Aira Shiratori (白鳥 愛羅 Shiratori Aira?) is one of the main characters of the manga series Dandadan.

She is a former popular student at Kami High who later became one of Momo Ayase and Okarun's main allies whenever the two are faced with the paranormal.


Aira is a young woman with short light pink hair that mostly frames the left side of her face and dark-pink eyes. She is recognized as being very attractive by the boys at her school, which she is aware of and greatly takes great pride in.

Her common attire is her school uniform; a dark buttoned up blazer with her school emblem located around the left breast, a collared shirt, a bow, a dark short skirt, long socks and sandals. She also wears a long sleeve sweater that varies underneath her blazer.



Episode 5-1

Aira hiding behind her sweet school girl persona.

Initially, Aira reveled in her social status as the popular girl at Kami High and strove to maintain her reputation. Outwardly, she appeared sweet, innocent, and somewhat air headed. However, internally, she was vain, arrogant, and insensitive. Her beauty became a tool for teasing her male classmates, and she looked down upon them for being easily charmed by her facade. She was also not above committing acts of cruelty when provoked by others, having anonymously spread a nasty rumor about Momo after the latter used her powers to drop a tub on her head as a form of retaliation for making fun of Okarun.

Aira exorcising Momo (Anime)

Aira trying to exorcise Momo.

Upon discovering Okarun's kintama, Aira developed a grandiose belief that her newfound ability to see spirits, triggered by the golden ball, was a divine sign that she was the chosen one, destined to protect the world from evil. This belief was compounded by her vanity, as she considered her beauty to be a key reason for her selection. She labeled Momo as a demon and an adversary after witnessing the manifestation of her psychic abilities, which she referred to as "demon wings". It was then on that Aira made it her mission to defeat Momo. This side of Aira soon faded by the time the Evil Eye became housed within Jiji.

Despite her self-importance and ruthlessness, Aira is not without a guilty conscience. Overcome with guilt for initiating the unpleasant rumor about Momo after her classmates assumed, based off her false story, that the latter was to blame for Aira's humiliation of being exposed in her underwear at school, Aira confessed to her deplorable actions, absolving Momo's name at the expense of her own popularity. She also sincerely apologized to Momo for endangering her with the Evil Eye after accidently splashing her cold beverage on Jiji. Memory of this incident even drove her to continue fighting against the giants summoned by the Music Room Portraits.

Acrobatic Silky goes to heaven (Anime)

Aira helps Acrobatic Silky achieve Nirvana.

She is also capable of experiencing empathy and demonstrating compassion towards others. Despite nearly dying from being swallowed by Acrobatic Silky, Aira felt sorry for the yokai upon learning from Turbo Granny that she would be forgotten by both the living and the dead once her body crumbled away into nothingness without her aura and ensured she achieved Nirvana by embracing her and acknowledging her as her mother. Along with this, she vowed to always remember her and expressed a heartfelt wish for Acrobatic Silky and her child to find peace together in the next life. Upon witnessing Bamora's memories and comprehending the anguish endured by the alien girl at the hands of the Kur, Aira was moved to tears and pledged to vanquish the exosuit aliens in Bamora's honor.

Aira's strictness

Aira being strict with Momo, Jiji, and Mr. Mantis Shrimp for their poor training performance.

After losing her popularity at school, Aira ceased the facade she put on for others. Once she integrated into the social circle formed by Momo and Okarun, she is much more open with her true self, which is marked by pride, sternness, and a tendency to be dismissive. As such, she asserts her position as the de facto leader of the gang and expresses a strong aversion to being left out of their endeavors or whenever someone else takes the lead in their battles. Due to this self-imposed leadership role, she also hosts the most distrust of outsiders to the Family, often barking that new members had to be approved by her first before they could join. She also does not hesitate to speak bluntly when she needs to make her point, such as when she expressed how unfair it was for her, Momo, Okarun, and Seiko to keep monitoring Jiji after he decides to spare the Evil Eye from exorcism. She was also very strict with Momo, Jiji, and Mr. Mantis Shrimp for their poor training performance. Aside from this, Aira cares for them as not only her comrades in arms but as her friends she has grown close to.

Despite her serious disposition, Aira has moments where she can be mischievous and playful. She thought about dropping by Moe Moe Kikoho to tease Momo after learning from Jiji that she works as a maid and poked fun of Momo and Jiji for sleeping close together. She also has a soft spot for things she finds cute. Though she disapproved of Mr. Mantis Shrimp returning to Kamigoe City to become a resident, she immediately changed her mind after meeting Chiquitita, finding him adorable to hug and play with. Enamored by Momo's tiny size, Aira felt the urge to play with her as a doll.

Aira's fantasy date

Aira fantasizing about a date with Okarun.

Touched by Okarun's altruistic nature, which had prompted him to come to her aid during her confrontation with Acrobatic Silky, Aira developed a crush on him that she does not hide. Her demeanor with Okarun is noticeably kinder and warmer compared to her interactions with other classmates, and she often finds herself blushing and enchanted by his presence whenever he is near. Aira is prepared to offer her help to Okarun in any manner possible, holding the belief that a girl who supports his virtuous character is deserving of being his companion. She is also shown to be susceptible to jealousy, as she and Momo tried moving Bamora away from Okarun after she approached him too close, while also reprimanding her for addressing him casually. Aira acknowledges her ignorance on how to deal with her romantic feelings, having never felt such emotions for anyone prior to Okarun. In an effort to find clarity, she consulted her father's "books", which ultimately prompted her to make an impulsive attempt to kiss Okarun.

Aira is also modest, as she has moments of being cautious about her skirt accidently flashing her underwear when fighting. Additionally, she dislikes having her clothes ruined in battle, especially her school uniform.


Around the time she was a little girl, Aira had ran into a strange woman in red on the streets and had mistaken her for her deceased mother. Realizing her mistake, Aira returned to walking with her father, but became unaware that the mysterious woman started to follow her throughout her life.[1]

During her childhood, Aira learned how to play the piano and competed against children her age. After losing against a girl named Kouki Yukishiro, Aira became dedicated to improving her skills until she managed to beat her. However, she soon quit playing right after, having found it tedious.[2]

Abilities and Powers[]

Supernatural Abilities[]

Spiritual Awareness [v · e]
Aira was able to see spirits when she was a child but had lost the ability at some point. Her awareness soon reawakened after coming into contact with one of Okarun's kintama.
Episode 7
Acrobatic Silky Form

After being transferred Acrobatic Silky's aura, Aira subsequently inherited the yokai's powers as a result. When choosing to access Acrobatic Silky's powers, Aira enters a form where her hair increases in volume and gains a mask that resembles the yokai's face; covering all the way down to her neck while leaving her left eye exposed.

By Aira's account, Acrobatic Silky's personality also ends up influencing her, as she explained to Okarun that she inadvertently starts to become foul mouthed to those who show her disrespect (though this could have very well been an excuse to prevent having Okarun look at her differently).

Aira's Acrobatic Silky Form
Enhanced Speed and Agility
Aira dodges Dover Demon
This state grants Aira Acrobatic Silky's extraordinary agility and swiftness to perform graceful acrobatic maneuvers, thus granting her a body that allows balance, flexibility, dexterity, and bodily coordination.
Strengths and Weaknesses

Aira's enhanced body to use Acrobatic Silky's acrobatics allows her to run along walls and execute flips, making her a challenging target to hit. This prowess was evident when she effortlessly evaded all of Mr. Mantis Shrimp's powerful punches and swiftly dodged a Serpo's invisible psychokinetic attack (though only after being hit by it once). In the confrontation with the Music Room Portraits, Aira dodged every explosive musical note, despite the reduced traction on the illusory terrain created by the tulpas. According to Turbo Granny's rhythm analysis, Aira's speed enables her to perform four distinct actions within a single beat, a feat comparable to that of the Evil Eye's speed.

A major weakness is Aira's acrobatic movement being hindered, as she was left vulnerable to Mr. Mantis Shrimp's punches after the Serpo used their psychokinesis to bind her. After being casted into an illusionary paddy field by the Music Room Portraits, Aira could not run or evade attacks effectively as she wanted to due to the terrain causing her feet to sink. Aira's opponents can also make it hard for her to find an opening to counterattack if they have her become too occupied with dodging a barrage of incoming attacks. Attacks that are not made visible to the naked eye prove to be difficult for Aira to evade unless anticipated on time from small hints (such as the name of the attack being called out) or if she is aided by an ally who can see the attack to quickly move her out of the way. Additionally, she cannot evade large-scale attacks from giant opponents.

Enhanced Lower Leg Strength
Aira vs the Dover Demon
Along with incredible speed and reflexes, Acrobatic Silky's power bestows above average physical leg strength to Aira's human body, thus granting her the close quarters combat capabilities to fight against powerful enemies by executing powerful kicks. With a single kick, she was capable of sending Mr. Mantis Shrimp up towards a ceiling.
Enhanced Endurance and Durability

Moreover, Aira has displayed immense levels of physical endurance and durability, as she had recovered shortly after taking a devastating blow from Mr. Mantis Shrimp. In addition, she was able to endure taking on direct attacks from the Serpo Dover Demon Nessie whose large size made Mr. Mantis Shrimp's punches much more powerful. During her confrontation with the Music Room Portraits, Aira was able to remain conscious after taking damage from two giants created by the tulpas and was still on her feet by the time she took them down. Most impressively, Aira remained conscious and did not take heavy damage from a direct attack from the enlarged Sumerian God Exosuit.

Aira using Acrobatic
Along with the increase in physical ability, the most prominent power Aira is granted is Acrobatic Silky's special ability to elongate her hair to great lengths, with which she can freely manipulate to perform tasks.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Aira lifting cars

Aira using her hair to pick up cars.

The hair is very strong and prehensile, as it can lift people or heavy objects, such as cars, and bind targets. What range limit, if any, there may be for her elongated hair is not known.

While strong enough to pick up heavy objects, the resilience of Aira's hair does not change from how it normally is in her base form, thus causing it to be suspectable to damage, such as it being caught on fire. Aira's hair may also be hindered from reaching her intended target if it is hit by an incoming attack.

Aira sparring with Mr

Aira's acrobatic fighting style and hair manipulation working in tandem.

Aira uses Acrobatics for combat. While relying on her enhanced leg strength to execute strong kicks that are coupled with her acrobatic movement, Aira uses the malleability of her hair to reinforce this fighting style and to grab her enemies. Once entangled by her hair, Aira can choose to pull her opponents towards her to close the distance and attack or pull herself towards them to build up enough force behind her kicks. Other purposes include restraining or blinding her enemies, hurling objects at them, or to cover ground by latching onto large constructs and swinging herself to a desire location. All these capabilities make Aira out to be a formidable hand-to-hand combatant.

If choosing to retreat after being at a disadvantage, Aira uses her hair as a diversion by covering herself and her surrounding area, concealing her plan to escape and leave the battlefield unnoticed, along with any nearby allies.

Aira's hair drill leg

Aira forming her hair into a drill.

After being informed about the Power of Words and Spiral Power from Momo and Okarun, Aira began utilizing these two abilities in conjunction with her yokai powers to improve her offense. Using Spiral Power, Aira shapes her hair into drills around her legs to pierce through her opponents and penetrate tough material, such as suits of armor. The hair drill legs also help to give her further reach. With the Power of Words, Aira is able to execute even stronger attacks with her hair manipulation.

For defensive means, Aira can form a protective dome by wrapping her hair around herself, which can reform if taken damage by a destructive attack.

Pirouette Noble Drill
(ピルエットおドリル Piruetto O-Doriru?)
Pirouette Noble Drill
Using Spiral Power, Aira has her elongated hair wrap around herself to form a full body size drill and launches herself towards her opponent to pierce straight through them. While drilling, Aira uses the Power of Words by shouting out the technique's name in order to increase its attack power. It was first used against the missile suit alien, which proved to be strong enough to drill straight through the hardness of the alien's armored suit.
Power of Words
(言霊 Kotodama?)

Aira is able to use the Power of Words to enhance her special attacks when using Acrobatic Silky's power in combat.

Spiral Power
(螺旋力 Rasen Chikara?)

Aira is capable of using Spiral Power, as shown when shaping her elongated hair into drills.

Chapter Appearances[]

Kintama Hunt Saga[]

[v · e · ?]
Acrobatic Silky Arc
9. I Can't Find Him Absent
10. Like, Where Are Your Balls? Debut
11. You're a Rotten Tangerine, Ain't Ya? Absent
12. Seems He Finally Realized She's Cute Appears
13. A Dangerous Woman Arrives Appears
14. "Acrobatic Silky" Is Kinda Long Appears
15. Let's Just Call Her "Acro-Silky" Appears
16. Acro-Silky Appears
17. To A Kinder World Appears
[v · e · ?]
Serpo Arc
18. Eat Some Somen Noodles or Something Appears
19. I've Got This Funny Feeling Appears
20. They're, Like, Back Again Appears
21. Gotta Put On Some Clothes! Appears
22. Momo Still Has Some Pent-Up Feelings Appears
23. You're Bothered, Aren't You? Appears
24. Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie! Appears
25. It Makes Your Heart Race, Don't It?! Appears
26. We Picked Up A Kappa Monster Appears
27. Have You Ever Seen A Cattle Mutiliation? Appears
[v · e · ?]
Cursed House Arc
28. That's A Premonition About The Turmoils of Love! Appears
29. First Love! Absent
30. Don't Give Up! Absent
31. The Life of an Anatomical Doll Absent
32. Let's Go to the Cursed House Absent
33. Better Decide Which One's Into Her Absent
34. The Kito Family Is Coming Absent
35. Where's The Tsuchinoko Monster? Absent
36. The Kito Family's Old Lady Absent
37. Like, This Is the Legend of the Giant Snake Absent
38. Mongolian Death Worms Are Deadly Absent
39. The Evil Eye Absent
40. Contract Absent
41. Jiji the Prodigy Absent
42. Escape! Multistage! Absent
43. You Won't Get Away With This! Absent
44. That House Is a Damn Eyesore Absent
45. It's a Pump Absent
46. Put That Fire Out Absent
47. That's, Like, Way Deadly Absent
48. That UFO Is Awesome Absent
49. He's, Like, Sealed Appears
50. Let's All Carry Around Hot Water Appears
[v · e · ?]
Evil Eye Arc
51. We Can All Stay There Together! Appears
52. The Hayashi Performers Are Here Appears
53. We Became a Family Appears
54. Get a Part-Time Job Appears
55. Moe Moe Tri-Beam Appears
56. Feeling Kinda Gloomy Appears
57. Scary Dudes at School Appears
58. Symphony No. 6 Appears
59. Symphony No. 9 Appears
60. You Can Do It, Okarun! Appears
61. The Evil Eye's Briefs Appears
62. I Want to Rebuild the House Appears
[v · e · ?]
Kaiju Arc
63. School Life Appears
64. The Secret Art of Being Attractive Mentioned
65. I Can't See Them! Absent
66. Hey, It's a Kaiju Appears
67. The Kaiju's Wicked Strong Appears
68. Kinta's Imagination Appears
69. Clash! Space Kaiju vs. Giant Robot! Appears
70. This Is How You Beat A Kaiju, Okay? Appears
71. I'm Sick of Robots and Kaiju! Appears
72. Somebody, Please Translate Absent
73. Let's Eat Some Takoyaki Appears
[v · e · ?]
Space Globalists Arc
74. Let's Go to School Absent
75. Ran Into Someone Deadly Absent
76. What Do We Do With Her? Appears
77. This Person is a Pain in the Butt Appears
78. A Pulse-Pounding Night Absent
79. Just Who the Heck Is This Person? Appears
80. Ran Into Some Deadly Dudes 2 Appears
81. What Do We Do About These Deadly Dudes? Appears
82. Number One Deadliest Dude Absent
83. At Work Absent
84. Annoying Dudes Absent
85. The Power of Nessie Absent
86. I Just Wanna Leave Already Absent
87. Can Never Sleep at a Manga Cafe Appears
88. Spy Appears
89. Argument Appears
90. What're We Gonna Do? Appears
91. Initiate! The Road to Counterattack! Appears
92. Just Can't Sleep Appears
93. Astral Body Adventure Appears
94. Please Tell Me How To Get Back Into My Body Appears
95. Day of the Decisive Battle Appears
96. Motivation Appears
97. What To Do About the Name? Appears
98. What To Do About My Beauty Treatment Appears
99. My Turn Mentioned
100. Close That Gate Absent
101. Vamola Appears
102. Vamola 2 Absent
103. Vamola 3 Absent
104. Vamola 4 Absent
105. Banga Absent
106. Vamola's Reasons Appears
107. I've Decided On Takoyaki Absent
108. I'm Gonna Kick Ya Into Tomorrow Appears
109. Mantis Shrimp's Calculation Absent
110. Wicked Power Appears
111. Everyone's Reconvened Appears
112. Today is a Tuesday Appears
113. Wreck 'Em Absent
114. A Persistent Bastard Appears
115. It's Kinta's Turn Onstage Appears
116. Howl, Great Kinta! Absent
117. Out of the Frying Pan Mentioned
118. The Power of Reiko Kashima Appears
119. That Note Appears
120. Reiko Kashima's Maiden Heart Appears
[v · e · ?]
Onbusuman Arc
121. Who's This Person? Appears
122. Let's Form a Club Absent
123. The Class Rep's Secret Absent
124. Ombusman Absent
125. Let's Do an Exorcism Absent
126. It's a Parade Float. It's a Festival. It's Ninomiya Absent
127. Float Performance Face-Off Absent
128. Let's Be Idols Absent
[v · e · ?]
Danmanra Arc
129. Kawabanga Absent
130. Mission Impossible Absent
131. It's, Like, Pride Absent
132. Delinquents' Track Meet Absent
133. Where's Zuma? Absent
134. Deadly Magic Object Absent
135. She Went and Entered It Absent
136. It's, Like, a Board Game Absent
137. That Zuma Dude Absent
138. Start Game Absent
139. Let 'Em Eat Cake Absent
140. How to Use Powers Absent
141. Eatin' Too Many Treats Absent
142. That's Enough Of Sweets! Absent
143. Let's Take a Break! Absent
144. Let's Go On An Adventure! Absent
145. Commence Castle Siege Absent
146. Castle Sieges Are Hard Absent
147. It's a Megabrawl Absent
148. Game Cleared Absent
149. That Devil, the Fairy-Tale Card Absent
150. This Guy's a Pain Absent
151. Get That Family Jewel Back Absent
152. Turbo Granny vs. Brella Boy Absent
153. Unji Zuma Absent
154. Unji Zuma 2 Absent
155. Unji Zuma 3 Absent
156. 'Brella Boy Absent
157. Masamichi Bega Absent
158. That Kawabanga Girl Absent
159. Escape from the Cursed Trunk! Absent
160. The Power of the Demonic Fairy-Tale Card Absent
161. Saint-Germain, the Mysterious Man Absent
162. Let's Blow the Demonic Fairy-Tale Card Away! Absent
163. Saviors, Don't Be Late! Absent
164. She's Gone All Little! Appears
165. Family Jewels—Intact Appears

Current Saga[]

[v · e · ?]
Kozuka Knives Arc
166. Is This a Little Fairy? Appears
167. Hey, There's Something There Appears
168. There's Someone Here Absent
169. Find The Culprit! Appears
170. A Suspicious Woman Appears
171. Corner the Perp! Appears
172. Those Pygmies Are Scary Appears
173. Corner the Criminal! Appears
174. Queen Sensei's Infirmary Absent
175. So Who's the True Perp? Absent
176. Scattering the Bait Absent
177. Let's Do Some Kung Fu Absent
178. The Power of a God Absent
179. This Seems Kinda Deadly Absent
180. The Owner of the Kozuka Knives Appears
181. Must Be the Influence of a Curse Appears
182. Something's Taken the Bait Appears

Anime Appearances[]

[v · e · ?]
Season 1
1. That's How Love Starts, Ya Know! Absent
2. That's a Space Alien, Ain't It?! Absent
3. It's a Granny vs. Granny Clash! Absent
4. Kicking Turbo Granny's Ass Absent
5. Like, Where Are Your Balls?! Debut
6. A Dangerous Woman Arrives Appears
7. To a Kinder World Appears
8. I've Got This Funny Feeling Appears
9. Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie! Appears
10. Have You Ever Seen a Cattle Mutilation? Appears
11. First Love Appears
12. Let's Go to the Cursed House Absent


  • The name Aira means "love, affection" (愛) (ai) and "lightweight fabric, gauze, thin silk, Rome" (羅) (ra).
  • Aira's surname Shiratori means "swan" (白鳥); the word itself being a compound of "white" (白) (shira) and "bird" (鳥) (tori).


  • Aira is listed as #3 among Yukinobu Tatsu's top 4 favorite characters in the series.[3]
  • Aira shares the same full name with a character from Ensemble Stars!.


  1. Dandadan Manga: Chapter 17, Pages 2-6
  2. Dandadan Manga: Chapter 175, Pages 16-18
  3. Twitter


  1. Aira is in a second-year class at Kami High, suggesting that her age is 16 or 17.

Site Navigation[]

[v · e · ?]
Kamigoe City Ayase Residence Family
Kami High Faculty
Class 2-B
Class 2-C
Class 2-D
Class 2-E
Renjaku High School Class D
Moe Moe Kikoho
Daija Town Tsuchinoko Shrine
Earthbound Spirits
Planet Serpo
Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Planet (Link)
Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Race (Link)
Anatomical Models
Mongolian Death Worms