Escape from the Cursed Trunk! (脱出!! 呪行李!! Dasshutsu!! Noroi Kōri!!?) is the hundred fifty-ninth chapter of the Dandadan manga series.
Wanting to assist Rin as she uses her gravitational singing to levitate the figurines out of the cursed trunk, two men take out their instruments and begin to play alongside her. Within the inner realm, Okarun maintains his grip on Momo's hand while he, Turbo Granny, Rokuro, and Bega ascend, prompting him to wonder why she remains the sole figure anchored to the ground. The Turbo Granny comes to the realization that Momo's consumption of the food from this world is the reason she remains rooted. Momo urges Okarun to proceed without her to avoid getting trapped. However, Okarun declines and gives Momo his kintama to see if it can free her from the cursed trunk's influence. Regrettably, the kintama proves to be ineffective, as the Turbo Granny clarifies that the curse originates from the Fairy-Tale Card, and they have to defeat him before the world falls apart. Fortunate to have luck on her side, Turbo Granny decides to stay with Momo and delegates the mission of defeating the Fairy-Tale Card to Okarun, advising him to act swiftly as time moves more rapidly in the inner world than in the real world. Although he agrees to confront the Fairy-Tale Card after Momo entrusts him, Okarun struggles to release her hand and confesses to Momo that being separated from her was challenging, culminating in his declaration of love for her and refusal to be separated from her again. Momo blushes at Okarun's words but insists that he release her hand to ascend to the sky. She then shouts for him to defeat the Fairy-Tale Card and to wait until she's free from the cursed trunk to confess his feelings properly. Okarun promises to Momo as he levitates up with Rokuro and Bega. As the Fairy-Tale Card compels Unji to flee in light of his body badly injured, the yokai is encircled by delinquents determined to thwart his escape and save Unji. The Fairy-Tale Card and the delinquents then reemerge in the real world, leaving Rin astonished to witness their sudden appearance and Unji severely wounded beside her. As the Fairy-Tale Card celebrates its liberation, Rin is taken aback by the appearance of the yokai while Unji's followers gather to attend to Unji. The Fairy-Tale Card expresses gratitude to Unji for his valiant battle, vowing that his death will not be in vain, and reveals that he has identified someone with the power to potentially destroy the world, with the individual revealed to be Rin.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Rin Sawaki
- Mai Kawabanga
- Masamichi Bega
- Rokuro Serpo
- Turbo Granny
- Okarun
- Momo Ayase
- Unji Zuma
- Umbrella Boy
- Fairy-Tale Card
- Toriumi