Saviors, Don't Be Late! (間に合え救出!! Maniae Kyūshutsu?) is the hundred sixty-third chapter of the Dandadan manga series.
With the defeat of the Fairy-Tale Card, all those affected by the yokai's power become liberated from its hold. While drained of energy, Okarun urges Rin to employ her gravity manipulation powers to swiftly free Momo from the cursed trunk. As the inner world is almost completely destroyed, Momo clings to the Turbo Granny, expressing gratitude for her companionship. In response, the Turbo Granny affirms that she would never leave someone dear to Seiko. However, when Turbo Granny realizes that Momo's body is beginning to disintegrate, she immediately turns against Momo, wishing that the world would take the young girl instead and spare her own life, much to Momo's frustration with her. The two then find themselves rising into the air, the realization dawning on them that the Fairy-Tale Card had been defeated, and it is Rin's powers that is liberating them. As they ascend, Momo observes Turbo Granny expanding in size. However, upon their return to the real world, Momo is astonished to find that she has shrunk, now resting in the palm of Okarun's hand, much to their shock.
Elsewhere, Count Saint-Germain finds and hinders the Fairy-Tale Card, now in a powerless state, from escaping. After being reminded by the Fairy-Tale Card of their pact, wherein he would grant his power in return for assistance in escaping the cursed trunk, Count Saint-Germain asserts that he will only allow him to live if he declares, "I lose". Relieved by this straightforward resolution, the Fairy-Tale Card concedes defeat and expresses his delight at finally being free. Nevertheless, the Fairy-Tale Card responds with pain and fury when Count Saint-Germain pierces the yokai with a small blade to draw out its power. As the Fairy-Tale Card demands for his powers back, Count Saint-Germain explains his agenda to know all the mysteries of the world and to claim everything related to the paranormal, one of which that is important to him is Dandadan, and asks the yokai if he is familiar with it.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Masamichi Bega
- Unji Zuma
- Count Saint-Germain
- Rokuro Serpo
- Okarun
- Fairy-Tale Card
- Rin Sawaki
- Mai Kawabanga
- Momo Ayase
- Turbo Granny