Corner the Perp! (追い詰めろ犯人! Oitsumero Hannin!?) is the one hundred seventy-first chapter of the Dandadan manga series.
Upon entering the vacant classroom, Okarun and Aira find themselves trapped when the doors close automatically behind them. Kinta perceives this as Okarun excluding him from the situation but opens the door to see a class going on, much to his wonder where the two are. After Momo alerts Okarun and Aira that they have entered Empty Space, Okarun wonders how this is possible, given that he no longer has Turbo Granny's power anymore, and finds a part of himself mysteriously fused to a classroom prep table. Aira enters her Acrobatic Silky form and requests for Okarun to stand back, with Momo warning Aira to proceed with caution, as the presence of Empty Space is an indication that aliens are involved. Aira then becomes shocked to find part of her skirt merged with Okarun's pant leg and is alerted by Momo of kitchen knives heading towards them. Momo and Aira succeed in blocking the knives, but upon getting too close to Okarun, they are stunned to find their clothes merging together. Aira then interprets this as an indication that they are engaged, much to Momo's great irritation as she demands for them to get off each other. Upon noticing the small creatures associated with Kouki Yukishiro sewing Okarun and Aira's fabric together, Momo identifies them as pygmies and intervenes to halt their actions. Following this, she employs her psychic power to manipulate the kitchen knives and sever Okarun and Aira's joined garments. Aira is then alerted by Momo that the pygmies are on her right shoulder, however, both she and Okarun fail to see them. Momo finds this hard to believe, as she sees that multiple pygmies have surrounded them and are ready to attack with what they can use in the classroom. Though she is unable to see the pygmies that are scattered everywhere as Momo claims, Aira figures that she can blindly attack them by using her hair manipulation to destroy everything around her. However, after finding her hair tied up in various spots, the pygmies use the burner of a prep table to light Aira's hair on fire.