Corner the Criminal! (犯人を追い詰めろ! Hannin o Oitsumero!?) is the one hundred seventy-third chapter of the Dandadan manga series.
After assaulting Kouki with a desk and deducing that she had utilized a curtain sewn by the pygmies, Momo employs her psychic powers on a fire extinguisher to extinguish the flames. She then battles the pygmies, proclaiming their victory upon defeating their princess, to which the pygmies comply to surrender and release their stitches off of Okarun and Aira. However, after Momo becomes distracted by Aira getting close to Okarun, the pygmies quickly try to escape with Kouki. While Aira uses her Acrobatic Silky hair to restrain the pygmies, with the extinguishing agent from the fire extinguisher making them visible, Okarun wonders how Kouki is controlling the pygmies if she is unconscious. Aira is then hindered by the pygmies after they start tickling her and Okarun. Momo uses her psychic power to throw them off and prevent the pygmies from opening the door. Meanwhile, Jiji wonders what he, Kinta, and Bamora should do at the moment since their break is almost over. After Kinta figures that Momo, Okarun, and Aira are trapped in Empty Space, Jiji believes that they can enter it as well by having Bamora use her kaiju suit like before. After doing so, Okarun and Aira crash out of the room and towards Jiji and Kinta. While not aware of what's going on, Jiji listens to Momo to follow Kouki being carried by the pygmies. With the pygmies becoming too swift for Jiji to keep pace, Kinta employs a cube of nanoskin to fashion a hoverboard and swiftly pursue them, which prompts him to boast about his own glory. Kinta is then hit in the face by baton wielded by Queen, who inquires if the students pursing Kouki are bullies.