I'm Sick of Robots and Kaiju! (ロボットも怪獣もこりごりだ Robotto mo Kaijū mo Korigori da?) is the seventy-first chapter of the Dandadan manga series.
After dealing a devastating attack to the kaiju that causes it to shrink down and lose conscious on the ground, Momo and the others return back to the real Kamikoshi City but end up having the mecha exposed to the public. Following Kinta's instructions, Momo has the mecha revert back to being her house again and having it return to the Ayase residence by using her visualization. Momo and Aira then run out of the room after feeling motion sick while Kinta cries tears of joy that he got to experience the joy of piloting a mecha.
After bringing the unconscious kaiju to the Ayase residence with Jiji, Okarun lets Kinta in on his and Momo's mission to find one of his kintama that aliens and spirits are after. Kinta assumes that the kintama is important to the fate of the world but hears from Okarun that this was not the case. Though Kinta offers to lend his assistants to find the kintama, Okarun tells him that he would be okay if he didn't get involved. Shifting his attention to the kaiju, Okarun checks its mouth and becomes shocked to find a part of a person inside. With Jiji and Kinta refusing to inspect any further, Okarun takes the initiative and ends up finding a zipper on the kaiju. After Okarun unzips the kaiju, the three become shocked to see a girl inside it, revealing to them that kaiju is actually a suit that was being piloted. Okarun then locks eyes with the girl after she starts to regain conscious. While still feeling exhausted from motion sickness, Momo walks outside to see Okarun being kissed by the kaiju girl, much to everyone's shock.