The Kozuka Knives Arc is the tenth story arc of the Dandadan manga series and the first story arc of the Current Saga.
After escaping from Danmanra resulted in her being reduced to a tiny size, Momo seeks help from Okarun and their friends to find a way to turn her back to normal. In the midst of their research for a solution, Momo finds herself assaulted by a knife wielding female student named Kouki Yukishiro who has an army of tiny creatures at her beck and call. The History and Culture Research Club soon learn that Kouki is merely a pawn among other knife wielders who are acting on the behalf of a shadowy mastermind who has been surveilling the group at their school.
The First Target[]
Despite only being able to afford to eat mere grains of rice and scant drops of water, Momo finds comfort in the fact that her small stature grants her a respite from school. Nonetheless, Seiko insists she shouldn't lag in her education and urges her to go to school incognito. Despite Momo's inclination to avoid school, she complies to go after choosing not to divulge her report card to Seiko upon her grandmother asking.
In class, Okarun whispers to Momo to better conceal herself while she takes notes and requests Bamora to ensure that she stays hidden while on her desk. Subsequently, Momo attempts to raise her voice to get a male student's attention, surprising Okarun. Yet, the student assumes Bamora is the one speaking to him. This incident confirms Momo's belief in paranormal fairy lore, which posits that humans can no longer see fairies, making them difficult to notice without intentional effort. This revelation sparks an idea in Okarun, which he inadvertently blurts out in class, resulting in a reprimand from the teacher.

Momo discovers a mysterious figure in the distance.
Later, Okarun arranges for Momo and their friends to gather at the library for research, hoping that information on fairies might aid in Momo's recovery. During this time, Momo apologizes for any trouble caused, but Okarun swiftly comforts her, stating their willingness to help is instinctive. Momo also reveals to Okarun that Turbo Granny hasn't been spotted at her residence since her departure, and she senses Seiko's longing for her, a feeling both she and Okarun share. Following his assurance that his kintama are intact, Okarun revisits his earlier confession to her. Momo, recalling the confession, requests to defer discussing it until she is back to normal and demands for him to not cheat on her until then. This prompts Okarun to challenge the notion of fidelity given their unofficial relationship status, which infuriates Momo as she perceives it as his intent to be unfaithful. However, her ire fades when she notices a diminutive figure perched on the bookshelf. Upon being spotted, the mysterious small figure quickly disappears from Momo's sight, prompting her to notify Okarun and encourage him to follow, suspecting it to be a tiny old man. Okarun believes she witnessed the infamous cryptid known as the "old man," but Momo suspects it was either a fairy or the same old man often mentioned by celebrities, possibly linked to her condition. When the bell signals the end of their break, Momo tells Okarun she plans to stay in the library to look for the old man. Okarun, Aira, and Jiji voice their worries about Momo being alone, yet she assures them she'll be alright. As her friends depart, Momo feels grateful for their support and wishes for her swift return to normalcy.
In gym class, Kinta asks Okarun to partner with him for physical fitness activities, confident he can outperform Okarun based on his mediocre 50-meter dash time from junior high. However, Kinta quickly agrees to let Hase partner with Okarun instead, as Hase is keen to compete against him. Despite Hase's impressive 50-meter dash time of 6 seconds as he had relayed to Okarun, Okarun astonishingly beats him with a time of 5.8 seconds. Excelling in other physical activities as well, Okarun catches the gym teacher's eye, who suggests he try out for the baseball team. Okarun, oblivious to the efforts required to surmount past obstacles, is puzzled by his newfound fitness, especially without Turbo Granny's powers.

Momo being pursued by a female student.
Momo realizes that her psychic powers remain unaffected by her diminutive size and uses them to navigate the library in search of the tiny old man she had seen earlier. Her search is interrupted when a female student enters the library, wielding a knife and looking for her. Momo hides and wonders about the student's identity, her reasons for searching for her, and her knowledge of her reduced size. The student pushes books off the shelves, attempting to trap Momo underneath one. When the student finds Momo is not there and the bell signals the end of her search time, she departs. Momo, safely atop the bookshelf, ponders the identity of the female student.
Okarun rushes back to the library to check on Momo. En route, he runs into Sanjome, who cautions him to not run in the halls. Curious about his agenda, Sanjome decides to tag along, questioning Okarun about his destination and the secrets he is withholding. Okarun suggests discussing it later, but Sanjome insists, stating his dislike for noise cancellation and begins to explain the concept to Okarun, along with his insights on metronome synchronization and bacteria. He then asks Okarun if he "yields" to the knowledge he showcased, to which Okarun agrees in order continue to the library as intended. After reacting with a shock expression, Sanjome pulls out a small knife from his pocket but then reconsiders and walks away.
After Momo informs the group about a girl searching for her with a blade, Aira has Momo conceal herself in her blazer pocket to later point out the attacker as they search the school. Okarun inquires if the girl had any notable features, and Momo describes her as having long hair and demanding her to "yield". Upon hearing the second part, Okarun is reminded of his conversation with Sanjome, where the advisor had used the same term. Okarun's close conversation with Momo leads Aira to misinterpret his actions as speaking near her chest on purpose. Okarun attempts to deny this but eventually submits to Aira's insistence on believing it, only to notice Momo's dismay after hearing her refer to him as "four eyes". Frustrated, Momo disrupts their exchange by telekinetically hurling a chair at Okarun and insists that Aira leave him be.
Meanwhile, the girl who was previously chasing Momo is told by a voice, apparently from behind a door, that her previous actions were misguided and that she must first force her target to submit to successfully take her power. The girl confesses her lack of mastery over "it", yet the voice urges her to yield to "it", promising that she can transform into the person she aspires to be. Subsequently, the girl is depicted surrounded by several small figures who are reminiscent of the tiny being Momo had previously discovered in the library.
Pygmy Princess[]

Kouki fleeing from the History and Culture Research Club.
The History and Culture Research Club arrive at Class E to verify if the girl who pursued Momo is present, but the classmates confirm they haven't seen her. Momo, initially trying to draw the student's attention, is prompted by Aira to refocus on finding the girl. Suddenly, Momo spots her. Momo's purser named Kouki Yukishiro also notices Momo and hastily exits the classroom after Momo alerts Aira, Okarun, and Kinta. Jiji and Bamora are then alerted by Aira that the fleeing girl is the one they're seeking and join them on the pursuit. Sanjome intercepts the club in the hallway and orders them to stop running, which they do until out of his sight. Having tracked her to another classroom, Momo instructs Jiji and Bamora to guard the back exit, while Okarun and Aira approach from the front. Okarun, concerned for Aira's safety due to Kouki's knife, enters first, but they find the girl has vanished.

The pygmies surround Momo, Okarun, and Aira.
Upon entering the empty classroom, Okarun and Aira become trapped as the doors shut automatically behind them. Kinta thinks Okarun is excluding him, but when he opens the door, he sees an ongoing class and wonders where the two have gone. Momo alerts Okarun and Aira that they've entered Empty Space, leaving Okarun puzzled about how this is possible since he no longer possesses Turbo Granny's power. He then discovers that parts of his clothing are mysteriously being attached to either a classroom prep table or to Aira's clothes. After blocking incoming kitchen knives with Aira, Momo notices tiny creatures, the same ones linked to Kouki, stitching Okarun and Aira's clothes together, recognizing them as pygmies. She attacks them to halt their actions and employs her psychic powers on the knives to separate Okarun and Aira's fused garments. Momo then alerts Okarun and Aira that the classroom is infested with pygmies poised to strike with what is inside the classroom, only to discover that they are invisible to them. Although unable to see the pygmies like Momo, Aira attempts to use her hair manipulation to lash out blindly. However, she discovers her hair is mysteriously restrained, leaving her defenseless against the pygmies who ignite it with a burner.

Momo uncovers Kouki's hiding spot.
Momo implores Aira to free her hair before the advancing flames can reach her. Just in the nick of time, Okarun intervenes, utilizing a knife to sever the burning strands. Aware of the gas present in the room that could lead to an explosion, Momo provides Aira with a knife to assist in cutting her entangled hair while she focuses on extinguishing the fire. After the girls successfully block another onslaught of flying knives, Momo informs Okarun that there are countless pygmies in the room, with several climbing up his legs. Okarun then removes his shirt to rid himself of the pygmies. The pygmies proceeded to weave Okarun's shirt, pants, and Aira's blazer on the floor, rendering them immobile and susceptible to a relentless assault of knives and toothpicks. As Momo fends off the ceaseless tide of pygmies, she comes to the realization that her pursuer is orchestrating their actions from the shadows and focuses on finding her. In a bid to thwart the pygmies' stitching efforts, Okarun and Aira remove their upper garments. Momo then advises them to move around the room to divert the pygmies' attention, ensuring that the pygmies focus solely on them. While contemplating the effectiveness of her strategy, Okarun narrowly evades a flurry of knives that Momo alerts him to, leaving both her and Aira in a state of amazement. Although Momo commends Okarun for his enhanced physical abilities, he acknowledges that he cannot continue to evade injury indefinitely. He then glances down and realizes that his left hand is affixed to the floor by the pygmies. With Aira also immobilized in the same manner, they find themselves exposed to the pygmies' weaponry. Nevertheless, Momo asserts that she has located Kouki, as indicated by the pygmies' reluctance to strike them, and employs her powers to hurl a desk at Kouki using a camouflage cloak to hide.

Queen defends Kouki.
After attacking Kouki with a desk and realizing she had used a curtain made by the pygmies, Momo uses her psychic powers on a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. She then confronts the pygmies, declaring victory after defeating their princess, leading the pygmies to surrender and remove their stitches from Okarun and Aira to have them move again. However, when Momo is distracted by Aira getting close to Okarun, the pygmies attempt to flee with Kouki. Aira employs her Acrobatic Silky hair to detain the pygmies, now visible thanks to the extinguishing agent, while Okarun ponders how Kouki could control the pygmies while unconscious. The pygmies then disrupt Aira and Okarun by tickling them. Momo uses her psychic powers to fend them off and stop them from opening the door. Meanwhile, Jiji, Kinta, and Bamora ponder their next move as their break nears its end. Kinta deduces that Momo, Okarun, and Aira are trapped in Empty Space, and Jiji thinks they can enter using Bamora's kaiju suit like before. After this plan works, Okarun and Aira tumble out of the room towards Jiji and Kinta. Unaware of the situation, Jiji heeds Momo's instructions to chase after Kouki being carried by the pygmies. As the pygmies prove too fast for Jiji, Kinta creates a hoverboard from a nanoskin cube to chase them, taking pride in his ingenuity. Suddenly, Kinta is struck in the face by a baton wielded by Queen, who questions if the students chasing Kouki are bullies.

Kouki comes clean about her misdeeds to Queen.
Finding Queen in Empty Space, Momo grows suspicious of her being the enemy. Kouki wrongfully accuses Jiji and others of assaulting her to Queen, prompting the nurse to enforce her strict anti-bullying policy and demand the real perpetrator come forward. Jiji counters Kouki's claim, telling Queen that Kouki was the one who started the assault. After Queen doubts that Kouki is the assailant, Jiji finds himself in a bind to convince her and turns to Momo for assistance. Momo comforts Jiji, affirming he need not lie as she believes in his goodness, and urges him to be forthright. Bamora intervenes to explain that it was Momo who got attacked. When Queen asks about the victim, Momo tries to reach out to her, but to no avail. Jiji firmly states that the woman he holds dear was the one injured and confronts Kouki about her reasons for the attack. Kouki retorts, alleging they all assaulted her when she was alone and asks Queen to reprimand them. Queen examines Kouki's wounds, noting the inconsistency in her previous claim of not knowing Jiji. Kouki, trying to cover her deceit, quickly says she wishes to forget Jiji, claiming he scares her. Aligning with Kouki's story of being attacked by a group, Queen finds it strange given her larger company, revealing to Momo and the others her ability to see the pygmies. Queen tells Kouki that she is often consulted to by students for their anxiety problems, which led to her seeing spirits, and promises not to judge her until she confesses the truth. Touched by Queen's words, Kouki confesses to attacking Momo and offers an apology. While Momo is receptive to the apology and prepared to listen, Queen reacts by slapping Kouki, leaving Momo, Jiji, and Bamora stunned. This act incites Jiji and Bamora to intervene and prevent Queen from further assaulting Kouki.
Kouki admits she was pressured by a teacher to attack Momo with a knife to protect her secret social media account from being revealed, yet she claims she cannot recall the teacher's identity. While Aira suspects Kouki is shielding the teacher, Momo remembers Unji's account of a parallel incident involving someone who helped him with the cursed trunk, prompting Okarun to suspect the same individual is responsible. Additionally, Kouki specifies that her task was to usurp Momo's power, not to take her life. She then starts to feel lightheaded attempting to recall and explain to them the conditions of the knife. Momo deduces that Kouki is merely acting as an agent, and that the evil teacher who sent her may have taken measures to prevent any information from leaking. Kouki explains that the evil teacher granted her the ability to see the pygmies by cutting her with one of his numerous knives and expresses her refusal to be pursued by them, as she longs to go back to her normal life. As she begins to feel despondent about the tragic circumstances of her existence, Queen informs her that she has researched the pygmies after about a student became frightened encountering one. She elucidates their origins to Kouki, stating that they are forgotten humans who were driven out of society and possess a strong desire for recognition. She also elaborates that this longing compels them to pledge their loyalty to those who can see them, which may be interpreted as a sign that good fortune will confer upon such individuals, and that she has been counseling the student who is currently pursuing them. Hearing this, Kouki emotional recalls her solitude, prompting the pygmies to stitch the words "hang in there, Kouki".
While Momo is disappointed to learn from Kouki that the pygmies have no means of restoring her to normal size, Aira expresses curiosity of the power-stealing and granting knife and connects it to the Kur they faced previously. Given that there is no advantage in seeking further information from Kouki, Aira instructs everyone to stay together to prevent the enemy from finding any opportunities to exploit. Momo also suggests monitoring Kouki in case the enemy returns, which would provide them with the opportunity to ambush them. After insisting that Kouki's image also be erased once the perpetrator is apprehended, Aira realizes that she has encountered her before after learning and recognizing her surname "Yukishiro". She informs her that she competed and lost to her in the same childhood piano competition and became motivated back then to work diligently until she was able triumph over her. Kouki, equally astonished to recognize Aira upon hearing this revelation, inquires whether she still plays the piano, to which Aira responds she quit after finding it tedious. This leads Kouki to express disbelief, explaining that she discontinued playing the piano because of Aira. Aira then admonishes Kouki, asserting that individuals with talent, such as herself, are not obligated to exert the effort in their endeavors.
Kouki expresses her unease regarding the necessity of changing out of her school uniform, as it has become unusable due to being covered in white from the fire extinguisher. In response to Aira's observation about her perpetually sad expression, Kouki snaps back, requesting Aira to remain silent. Kinta then proudly points out the surveillance camera hair accessory he made for her out of nanoskin for the purpose uncovering the identity of the person who supplied Kouki with the knife. Observing Kinta's recovery, Jiji notes his improvement, to which Kinta attributes his enhanced state to a mere touch from Queen. Jiji then hypothesizes that this could imply the nurse has some special power. After Momo instructs the group to keep their distance from Kouki until their target is captured, she checks on Okarun's well-being upon noticing his gloomy demeanor. Okarun reflects on their failed attempt to restore Momo to her original state after finding the pygmies and apologizes to her for his lack of assistance, leading him to make a personal commitment to improve. Momo disagrees with Okarun's self-assessment but recommends that he seek training from Seiko to help him fulfill his promise.
The Second Target[]

Seiko confronted by the jiangshi.
At the Juicy Gyoza Manufacutory Dandadan, Seiko meets with two men: Payase, a collector of cursed objects, whose latest acquisition is a painting that starts fires in his residence, and his associate Kashimoto, who irritates him. Seiko requests Payase to safeguard the Fairy-Tale Card's cursed trunk, to which he readily agrees. She then turns to Kashimoto, asking him if there is a method to reversing the effects of the cursed trunk's curse that has caused her granddaughter to shrink. Kashimoto confirms that he knows how to help, explaining that the Uchide-no-kozuchi, a magical hammer belonging to the deity Daikokuten, is the key, as it is said to have returned Issun-boshi to his normal size. He elaborates that Daikokuten and the great god Okuninushi are, in fact, the same being, and advises Seiko to head to the Izumo Grand Shrine. Appreciative of the guidance, Seiko prepares to depart, but as Kashimoto offers to assist her, he is unexpectedly kicked aside by a jiangshi among a cluster of similar creatures.

Seiko battling against the jiangshi and the Minotaur.
Seiko defends herself against the jiangshi in fierce hand-to-hand combat and manages to hold her ground despite being outnumbered. In the midst of her battle against them, a Minotaur barrels toward her like a cannonball, aiming to knock her back. Acknowledging her agility, the Minotaur expresses his respect, to which Seiko modestly replies that she is just an old lady. Seiko delivers a kick to the Minotaur's groin but quickly discovers the toughness of his hide. Her attempt to enhance her strike with a piece of wood using the Power of Words also proves ineffective as it breaks upon impact. The Minotaur reveals that his body is made of iron, making any attacks against him futile as they only strengthen his material. Following a self-inflicted blow to his knees, the Minotaur retaliates by kicking Seiko into a wall and brutally assaulting her on the ground, all while declaring that he grows stronger whether she strikes him, he strikes himself, or he strikes her. After defeating Seiko, the Minotaur draws a knife from his briefs and demands her surrender. Before the situation can escalate further, Payase and Kashimoto intervene, delivering a powerful punch that sends the Minotaur flying away from Seiko. Kashimoto expresses his disdain for the sudden attack towards them earlier, while Payase criticizes their enemies for jeopardizing his cursed object. Together, they prepare to confront the jiangshi and the Minotaur with their power, with Payase declaring their intent to teach them a lesson about curses.

Payase and Kashimoto assist Seiko in fighting the jiangshi and the Minotaur.
Seiko stands back on her feet determined to keep fighting. Payase, concerned, asks if she's okay, to which Seiko compares her experience to the most dreadful osteopathy clinic in existence—a statement that resonates with Kashimoto but baffles Payase. She then informs them that the Minotaur's body is made of iron and that he grows stronger with every hit. As the Minotaur becomes thrilled by the challenge to face more opponents, the remaining jiangshi charge forward to attack. Seiko quickly instructs Payase and Kashimoto to handle the Minotaur while she retrieves her bag. Kashimoto, summoning the power of a guardian spirit, unleashes his technique, "Aphoom-Zhah", to attack the jiangshi, while Payase uses his cloak of darkness to control his shadow and disintegrate the jiangshi. Delighted by Payase's abilities, the Minotaur expresses his desire to make it his own, only for Payase to disapprove, stating that his body, being akin to Kodoku poison, is not suitable for someone like him. Payase tries to pierce the Minotaur's iron body with his shadow, but fails, giving the Minotaur a chance to grab Payase's shadowy form and hurl him away. Kashimoto tells Seiko to position herself behind him as he unleashes a series of "Aphoom-Zhah" strikes against the Minotaur, which Payase perceives to be effective. Nevertheless, Seiko warns Payase to remain vigilant. In retaliation, the Minotaur delivers a powerful blow to Kashimoto's chest, forcing him into a wall, and urges him to strike him more. Despite his concern for Kashimoto's safety, Payase continues to follow Seiko's guidance to assist her in overcoming the remaining jiangshi.

Seiko deals the final blow to the Minotaur.
As she gets close enough to retrieve her bag, the Minotaur kicks her away on time and suspects her possessing some form of trickery within her bag. Having reached his strongest state of "ultimate hotness", the Minotaur easily takes down Kashimoto and Payase as they try to attack him and recover Seiko's bag. He then grabs Seiko in a bear hug after stopping her from retrieving her bag thrown her way by Payase and demands that she concede her defeat or risk having her organs scattered as he constricts her with deadly force. Kashimoto once again launches an assault on the Minotaur with Aphoom-Zhah. However, the Minotaur advises him to desist, informing him that the force of his strikes is resonating through his iron body and affecting Seiko, as well as making him stronger. Regardless, Seiko yells out to Kashimoto to continue his assault. The Minotaur claims that his iron body doesn't feel a thing from his attacks and that he is only doing what he told him before. However, the Minotaur soon becomes shocked to see his arms broken off his body after Payase extends his hands through them. Following the Minotaur's inquiry regarding the unexpected fragility of his body despite achieving his utmost hardness, Payase, in his shadowy form, elucidates the nature of darkness, stating that the stronger the light the deeper the darkness becomes. On the other hand, Kashimoto informs the Minotaur that his lack of pain perception ultimately led to his defeat, elaborating that the ability to feel pain serves is essential for gauging one's endurance until the body ultimately succumbs, which is precisely what transpired in his situation. Despite this revelation, the Minotaur considers how his body intensifies in heat and strength with each strike from Kashimoto. Kashimoto then reveals that his flames used for Aphoom-Zhah, known as "Ice Flame", have the capability to reach absolute zero, resulting in his iron undoing hydrogen penetration. After successfully retrieving her bag, Seiko conveys to the Minotaur the difficulties he caused her, noting that it has been a while since she endured such punishment. She then takes out a talisman from her bag and attaches it to the Minotaur's head, reminding him of his desire to encounter a worthy opponent. In response, the Minotaur begins to panic and tries to persuade Seiko to spare him by disclosing who is truly pursuing her. However, Seiko interrupts him with a powerful kick to his face, obliterating his head and asserting that he would fare better against a deity as a more challenging foe.
The Minotaur's body shatters from Seiko's powerful kick, revealing the enemy's true identity: a male human. As the man begins to beg Seiko for mercy, Payase is left perplexed by his sudden shift, while Kashimoto's irritation grows, fueled by the countless assaults he has endured. The man, now on his knees, apologizes profusely. Seiko demands to know why he targeted her. The man shows her a text message on his phone, explaining that an orchestrator had contacted him to confront her at the restaurant. Seiko, suspecting an accomplice, confirms her suspicions when she spots a dark aura figure walking away outside. Payase surmises that the accomplice controlled the jiangshi. Kashimoto demands that the man call back the accomplice, but the man insists it's impossible since he has only recently met him and their connection is solely through the orchestrator, whose face remains unknown. Seiko presses further, and the man reveals that messages are dispatched to all involved, occasionally resulting in target overlaps. When Kashimoto demands clarification, the man pulls out three knives. Payase, visibly shocked, turns to Seiko, who questions the man's possession of the knives. In response to Kashimoto's inquiry about the knives, Seiko explains that they originated from Asura, a sword stolen five years ago, known for stealing yokai powers and compelling its wielder to commit mass murder. The man reveals that he and his accomplice were tasked with collecting yokai powers, with the promise that those who gather a significant amount would have their wishes granted. Payase criticizes the man for his gullibility, but Kashimoto urges him to hold his tongue to learn more. The man explains that his actions were driven by the desire to save his wife, who has only a year left to live and that he became affiliated with the orchestrator through a work colleague. Despite recalling this, he admits he cannot remember the colleague's physical features, who seems to have faded from other employee's memories and company records.
Later, Bega arrives at Juicy Gyoza Manufactory Dandadan to investigate a report of suspicious activity at the restaurant. The staff informs him that a man was left alone at the scene, while three others left after paying the bill. As Bega turns his head, he spots Seiko, Payase, and Kashimoto conversing around the corner. Seiko tells Payase and Kashimoto that she will prioritize her granddaughter's situation and cautions them to stay vigilant given the dangerous circumstances they face. They assure her they will investigate and reach out to every quarter. Just then, Bega approaches the trio to ask them questions about the incident. However, before he can even begin, the trio swiftly and stealthily move to the top of the building, leaving Bega in a state of shock and confusion.
Characters Introduced[]
Characters | ||||
Pygmy | Kouki Yukishiro | Alice Yukishiro | Orchestrator | Payase |
Kashimoto | Jiangshi | Minotaur | Minotaur Wife |
# | Title | SJ+ Release Date |
166 | Is This a Little Fairy? | September 16, 2024 |
167 | Hey, There's Something There | September 23, 2024 |
168 | There's Someone Here | October 1, 2024 |
169 | Find the Culprit! | October 8, 2024 |
170 | A Suspicious Woman | October 15, 2024 |
171 | Corner the Perp! | October 22, 2024 |
172 | Those Pygmies Are Scary | October 29, 2024 |
173 | Corner the Criminal! | November 5, 2024 |
174 | Queen Sensei's Infirmary | November 12, 2024 |
175 | So Who's the True Perp? | November 19, 2024 |
176 | Scattering the Bait | December 10, 2024 |
177 | Let's Do Some Kung Fu | December 17, 2024 |
178 | The Power of a God | December 24, 2024 |
179 | This Seems Kinda Deadly | December 31, 2024 |
180 | The Owner of the Kozuka Knives | January 7, 2025 |
181 | Must Be the Influence of a Curse | January 14, 2025 |
182 | Something's Taken the Bait | January 21, 2025 |