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This article may contain major spoilers for the Dandadan manga series.
Please read at your own risk.

Peeny-Weeny (ぺニーチンコス Penīchinkosu?), also referred to as Mr. Mantis Shrimp (シャコさん Shako-san?) by Momo and Okarun, is a Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Race and a UMA known as the Dover Demon (ドーバーデーモン Dōbādēmon?).

In Dandadan, he was once a supporting antagonist during the Serpo Arc, having previously worked as a hired fighter for the Serpo in their mission to capture Okarun, in order to earn Mr. Mantis Shrimp money (money) for his son's blood transfusion. Since then, he has become a supporting character after Seiko helped in his son's recovery.


As a Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Race, Mr. Mantis Shrimp possesses the disk-like head of a crab and a bipedal, muscular humanoid body with dull yellow skin. His eyes are shown to alternate between being crab-like to human-like on occasions. While wearing a variety of outfits throughout the series, he sticks to wearing boxing gloves. While in his human disguise, he resembles a middle aged man with a permanently affixed serious expression who wears a hat in the shape of his own head.

While working for the Serpo, Mr. Mantis Shrimp wore nothing but a speedo and a tie.



Mr. Mantis Shrimp is a rather complex individual. When first met, he was an aggressive yet talkative combatant, regularly singing or boasting about his boosted strength, or sharing verbal exchanges with his opponents. He was also very deferential towards the Serpos who were his employers, frequently apologizing for his less than desirable performance.

Largely as a result of being a weak fighter by his species' standards, Peeny-Weeny has lived a life full of hardships. His wife passed away from a congenital illness, which she also passed on to their son, Chiquitita. Because Chiquitita requires regular blood transfusions due to his illness, Mr. Mantis Shrimp takes on dangerous jobs to fund them. His relative weakness saw him spurned by his people and ridiculed by his employers which upsets him greatly. As such, when the Family attended to his injuries, provided him with a meal to aid in his recovery, and offered a cow for his son's blood transfusion, Mr. Mantis Shrimp was overwhelmed with emotion and vowed to aid them however he could.

While willing to engage in fights for a just cause, Mr. Mantis Shrimp claims to be a pacifist, having refused to teach Okarun how to throw a proper punch because he believes that violence is wrong. However, he admits that he is liable to retaliate if his patience is tested, sch as when he is behind the wheel and his passengers complain about his poor driving skills.

He also has the strange habit of saying "deisu" (でいス) after every sentence.


On his home planet, Peeny-Weeny was married and had a child. After his wife eventually died of an illness, Peeny-Weeny desperately needed to earn money for his son's blood transfusion after he attracted the same illness as his mother. Since he was a weak member of his race, Peeny-Weeny had no choice but to engage in dangerous work, which led him to become a subordinate of the Serpo.


Serpo Arc[]

Aira dodges Dover Demon

The Dover Demon fights Aira.

The Dover Demon, along with Nessie, accompanies the Serpo on their mission to capture Okarun at his school to acquire his supernatural powers. After confronting him, the Dover Demon and the Serpo find themselves dealing with Aira Shiratori, a girl who also has supernatural powers. The Dover Demon fights against Aira but is unable to land a single hit on her due to her enhanced agility and is kicked up into the ceiling where his head becomes stuck. However, after the Serpo use their psychokinesis to suppress her powers, the Dover Demon sends Aira crashing back with a strong punch. He then assaults a restrained Takakaura after he tried to protect Aira, but is sent flying back after Okarun launches himself into his chest, which was made possible after Momo arrives and counteracts the Serpo's psychic powers with her own.

After he is exhausted by Okarun's attack, the Serpo forcibly enhance the Dover Demon so that he may continue fighting (in spite of his objections to being enhanced). Now rejuvenated, the Dover Demon throws a barrage of shockwave punches at Okarun and Aira while they are bound by the Serpo's psychokinesis. However, Momo counters the aliens' powers once more and allows Okarun and Aira to fight back. The Dover Demon manages to hold his own against Aira, since she could not see his attacks coming, but is soon overwhelmed after Okarun helps Aira dodge the Dover Demon's punches since he is able to see them clearly. The conflict between the two sides is interrupted after the water beneath their feet starts to rise from Nessie's sudden arrival.

Serpo Dover Demon Nessie Infobox (Anime)

The Dover Demon after being forcefully fused with a Serpo and Nessie.

As Momo, Okarun, and Aira try to escape after Nessie starts to attack the Serpo, the Dover Demon throws an underwater shockwave punch that sends Aira up into the watery ceiling and continues his assault on Okarun and Momo. However, after being underwater for too long, the Dover Demon quickly swims up to get some air and swims back down to throw more of his strengthen shockwaves punches at Okarun and Momo. He is surprised by Momo's strategy to save Aira from drowning in which she propels Okarun forward with her psychic powers while riding on his back. After commenting on the cleverness of their escape, the Dover Demon turns around to see a Serpo floating in the water and ask for more time in defeating the humans. He is spooked when the head tips over, revealing itself to be severed. Seeing as how the situation has gotten worse with Nessie out of control, a surviving Serpo swims towards the Dover Demon to fuse himself with both creatures.

After the Serpo Dover Demon Nessie is defeated by Okarun, the Dover Demon somehow manages to survive and goes after his enemies for the sake of earning money for his family. He encounters Momo and Aira outside the school and attempts to attack them. However, weakened and bleeding heavily, the Dover Demon falls unconscious in front of them before he can attack. Momo, Aira, and Okarun then decide to take the Dover Demon to Momo's house to help him recover.

Episode 10-4

The Dover Demon expressing his gratitude to the people who helped him.

After waking up from a dream he had about him and his child, the Dover Demon finds himself bandaged up and looked after by Momo, Okarun, Aira, and Seiko. He leaps up and assumes a fighting stance before noticing a plate of curry at his feet, which Momo says they made for him in spite of not knowing what aliens typically eat. Seeing as how it was the first time in his life that he was treated kindly, the Dover Demon becomes emotional and promises that he will no longer try to harm them. After finish having dinner with the group, the Dover Demon tells them about his predicament with not being able to earn enough money to pay for his sick son's constant blood transfusions. Okarun tells the Dover Demon that he is willing to help by offering his genitals but is turned down since the alien did want to cause him and the others any problems as promised. Before showing himself out, Seiko stops him and tells the Dover Demon that she might be able to help after noticing how his blood gave off a familiar scent. After drinking a carton of milk given to him, the Dover Demon notices how the milk is the same as his race's blood. This prompts Seiko to offer the Dover Demon a cow from a dairy farmer she knows to help with his son's blood transfusion. With the cow acquired on his spacecraft, the Dover Demon thanks the humans for their help and tells them that he will never forget the debt he owes them before blasting off into outer space.

At some point, the Dover Demon finds that the cow was not producing any milk and realized that milking the animal would be a problem on his home world due to the planet being filled with a water-like substance, leading to him making the decision to take his son and live on Earth to supply him with a constant intake of milk.

Cursed House Arc[]

The Dover Demon assists Seiko in helping her meet up with Momo, Okarun, and Jiji using his spaceship and fights the Evil Eye alongside her by the time they arrive. He then guides Chiquitita in using the Tsuchinoko to put out the forest fire as he takes control of the spaceship and helps Momo save Okarun from being stuck down the Tsuchinoko pit.

At the Ayase residence, the Dover Demon and Chiquitita join the others for dinner and informs them of his decision to live with his son on Earth as a farmer. As he prepares to leave, the Dover Demon tells Momo that she is welcomed to call him again if they run into any problems and lets her know that his real name is "Peeny-Weeny" after she asks what it is, only for the girl and her friends to nickname him "Mr. Mantis Shrimp" as a more fitting title.

Evil Eye Arc[]

While working, Mr. Mantis Shrimp is visited by Okarun for lessons on how to throw a punch but turns him down since he believes violence is wrong.

After learning from Okarun that the Ayase house has been destroyed, Mr. Mantis Shrimp and his son help to repair it by contacting Ludris to acquire his nanoskin, successfully creating an exact replica.

Kaiju Arc[]

Mr. Mantis Shrimp is visited by Okarun, Jiji, and Kinta for help translating the language of an alien girl named Bamora. He gives them his translator device but sees that it is only able to pick up a few of her words and offers to adjust them when they come back.

Space Globalists Arc[]

Mr. Mantis Shrimp arrives to save a badly injured Okarun from being captured by a group of suited aliens and takes him, along with one of the aliens Okarun defeated, to the Ayase residence to help him recover. He also does the same for Aira and Jiji after coming across them badly wounded in Kamigoe City. The next day, Mr. Mantis Shrimp becomes relieved to see Momo returning home safe, informs her of Okarun's condition, and watches as she forces Bamora to leave her house since she found out that she is connected to the group of aliens who attacked her and her friends. Shortly after, Mr. Mantis Shrimp treats Momo's wounds as she talks with Aira and Jiji after they had woken up. After Okarun slightly regains conscious from hearing Momo and Jiji arguing, he disconnects his life support long enough to ask that they stop fighting, though Mr. Mantis Shrimp is quick to reattach Okarun's life support once he notices that it's been removed. While doing this, he explains to Momo and Jiji that Okarun cannot rest if his friends fight. Mr. Mantis Shrimp, Aira, and Jiji are then taken outside by Momo to see the Serpo she brought along with her, as the alien and her group now have a common enemy. Hearing the Serpo's speculation of how the alien group will invade Earth in less than five days, Momo decides that their next course of action is to train to prevent this from happening. Using the nanoskin the Ayase house is constructed out of, Mr. Mantis Shrimp helps to rebuild it into a vehicle to have the group relocate to a Serpo hideout. Mr. Mantis Shrimp takes the wheel but becomes displeased when Momo, Aira, and Jiji complain about his reckless driving as he transports them to the hideout.

After arriving and checking the hideout for traps, Mr. Mantis Shrimp trains with the others but performs poorly according to Aira who angrily informs him, Momo, and Jiji of their faults. He then uses the Ayase house to drive back home to Chiquitita. The next day, Mr. Mantis Shrimp returns to the site and wakes up Momo and Jiji to continue with the training. Later, Mr. Mantis Shrimp trains with Aira in a sparring match while Momo and Jiji practice combining their powers.

After finishing their training, Mr. Mantis Shrimp drives the group to the Empty Space where the Kur are summoning their main force, and upon arriving, they are attacked by the Takonoka Ru Patcho, Ta Komeshi, Suda Ko, Ta Kowasa, and Mantis Exosuit Kur. Momo goes ahead of them to close the warp gate. Meanwhile, Mr. Mantis Shrimp, Aira, and Jiji choose to stay behind and fight off the four Kur in their way. Mr. Mantis Shrimp faces the Mantis Exosuit Kur and attacks the Ta Kowasa Kur to free Aira from his restraints. Following Aira's league, Mr. Mantis Shrimp continues to face the Mantis Exosuit Kur but is overwhelmed by his laser blades viciously cutting his body and lies on the ground defeated, soon joined by the defeated Aira and Jiji. During this moment, the three view Bamora's memories through their Serpo communicators after Momo uses attempts to use her powers to close a fatal wound inflicted on Bamora.

Though he manages to get back on his feet, Mr. Mantis Shrimp continues to lose ground to the Mantis Exosuit Kur. He then resorts to entering the river behind him to fight in his natural environment and tells his opponent that, despite not being a lifeform of the planet he is on, he is willing to put his life on the line for the people he owes a debt to. In response, the Mantis Exosuit Kur has his exosuit enter its underwater form and once again gains the advantageous, overwhelming Mr. Mantis Shrimp with his high-speed swimming and strong blows before injecting him with a powerful venom. However, with the exosuit alien close to him as he keeps him bound to a wall, Mr. Mantis Shrimp manages to land a punch on the Kur to damage his exosuit. While the Kur reels, Mr. Mantis Shrimp momentarily shapeshifts into his Dover Demon Strong Style Twenty-Four form to deliver a Jet Punch that completely destroys the Kur's exosuit. He then quickly swims out of the water to catch his breath, notes his species' resilience to venom, and walks back to where Aira and Jiji are, with the Mantis exosuit exploding out of the water behind him as he goes.

Mr. Mantis Shrimp, Aira, and the Evil Eye reunite with Momo, who is with Okarun and Bamora, and fight together against the Kur that have passed through the warp gate. Mr. Mantis Shrimp follows Aira's orders to guard Momo as she and Okarun make their way to the warp gate to close it and are successful. However, after the remain ships of the Kur's main force managed to slip through the gate just in time, Mr. Mantis Shrimp is ordered by Momo to assist Aira in battle as she and Okarun attempt to stop the fleet. After the invasion ends with Reiko Kashima trapping and eliminating the Kur inside her mirror, Mr. Mantis Shrimp drives the Ayase house to pick up Momo and Okarun and leave the city with the rest of the group.

At some point, Mr. Mantis Shrimp brings Chiquitita to the Ayase house as the group are served dinner by Seiko.

Abilities and Powers[]

Natural Abilities[]

Physical Prowess[]

Immense Strength: Mr. Mantis Shrimp has tremendous amount of physical strength, being able to throw powerful punches that are capable of breaking through walls. By his own admission, he's considered a weak fighter by his species' standards.

Skill Set[]

Boxing: Mr. Mantis Shrimp is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant who uses the style of boxing against his opponents.

Jet Punch

Jet Punch.

  • Jet Punch (ジェットパンチ Jetto Panchi?): Mr. Mantis Shrimp puts all his strength into throwing a powerful punch that sends his opponent crashing back. This technique was first used against Aira. However, she managed to dodge the technique in time. The force of the punch after striking a wall was shown being carried forward, knocking back anything in its path.


Dover Demon Strong Style Twenty-Four
(ドーバーデーモンストロングスタイル24 Dōbādēmon Suto Rongu Sutairu 24?)
[v · e]
Mr. Mantis Shrimp is able to assume his race's empowered transformation. In this form, his head resembles that of a mantis shrimp, with green, glowing eyes. A second pair of wide eyes, along with antennae extending, act as the top part of his head, which flashes in response to him speaking. Around the neck is a segmented, collar-like structure. His hands change into a mantis shrimp's raptorial appendage with concentric rings of green, red, and orange that are able to open and act as shields. His feet are broad and flat, resembling flippers or the feet of an aquatic creature.
Ironically, despite the change in appearance to resemble the crustacean, along with his strength being more powerful in the environment, this form doesn't offer Mr. Mantis Shrimp gills to allow him to breath underwater. Consequently, he must come up for air at times to prevent himself from drowning. He is also limited to staying in this form for 24 seconds, however, with a special drug, such as a Serpo Energy Drink, his time can be extended to at least 24 hours.
Mantis Shrimp Alien Form (Anime)
Augmented Strength
Mantis Shrimp Alien's strength
This form greatly enhances Mr. Mantis Shrimp's already incredible physical strength.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Mantis Shrimp Alien's underwater strength

Mr. Mantis Shrimp unleashing stronger shockwave punches underwater.

The enhanced physical strength Mr. Mantis Shrimp gains in this form increases his punching power and speed to where he is able to generate shockwaves with each thrust. In addition to this allowing him to fight at a distance, these delivered shockwaves proof to be too difficult for his opponents to evade unless they possess extraordinary speed and reflexes. Corresponding to its mantis shrimp likeness, the enhanced strength provided by the Dover Demon Strong Style Twenty-Four form significantly increases for Mr. Mantis Shrimp when he is submerged underwater, with Mr. Mantis Shrimp asserting that his strength multiplies by tenfold.


In this form, both land and underwater, Mr. Mantis Shrimp transitions his fighting style from close quarters to mid-range by emitting a barrage of powerful shockwaves from his punches towards his opponent.

Salary Uppercut
(たいぐアパカツ Taigu Apakatsu?)
Salary Uppercut
Mr. Mantis Shrimp delivers a swift and strong uppercut that sends his opponent upwards. This technique was first used against Aira, causing her to be temporarily stuck in a ceiling.
Jet Punch
(ジェットパンチ Jetto Panchi?)
Mr. Mantis Shrimp defeats the Mantis Exosuit Kur
When in his Dover Demon Strong Style Twenty-Four form while submerged underwater, Mr. Mantis Shrimp can use an enhanced version of his Jet Punch. It was first used against the Mantis Exosuit Kur, destroying the alien's exosuit and killing him in the process.

Chapter Appearances[]

Kintama Hunt Saga[]

[v · e · ?]
Serpo Arc
18. Eat Some Somen Noodles or Something Absent
19. I've Got This Funny Feeling Absent
20. They're, Like, Back Again Debut
21. Gotta Put On Some Clothes! Appears
22. Momo Still Has Some Pent-Up Feelings Appears
23. You're Bothered, Aren't You? Appears
24. Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie! Mentioned
25. It Makes Your Heart Race, Don't It?! Absent
26. We Picked Up A Kappa Monster Appears
27. Have You Ever Seen A Cattle Mutiliation? Appears
[v · e · ?]
Cursed House Arc
28. That's A Premonition About The Turmoils of Love! Absent
29. First Love! Absent
30. Don't Give Up! Absent
31. The Life of an Anatomical Doll Absent
32. Let's Go to the Cursed House Absent
33. Better Decide Which One's Into Her Absent
34. The Kito Family Is Coming Absent
35. Where's The Tsuchinoko Monster? Absent
36. The Kito Family's Old Lady Absent
37. Like, This Is the Legend of the Giant Snake Absent
38. Mongolian Death Worms Are Deadly Absent
39. The Evil Eye Absent
40. Contract Absent
41. Jiji the Prodigy Absent
42. Escape! Multistage! Absent
43. You Won't Get Away With This! Absent
44. That House Is a Damn Eyesore Absent
45. It's a Pump Absent
46. Put That Fire Out Absent
47. That's, Like, Way Deadly Appears
48. That UFO Is Awesome Appears
49. He's, Like, Sealed Appears
50. Let's All Carry Around Hot Water Appears
[v · e · ?]
Evil Eye Arc
51. We Can All Stay There Together! Absent
52. The Hayashi Performers Are Here Absent
53. We Became a Family Absent
54. Get a Part-Time Job Absent
55. Moe Moe Tri-Beam Absent
56. Feeling Kinda Gloomy Appears
57. Scary Dudes at School Absent
58. Symphony No. 6 Absent
59. Symphony No. 9 Absent
60. You Can Do It, Okarun! Absent
61. The Evil Eye's Briefs Absent
62. I Want to Rebuild the House Appears
[v · e · ?]
Kaiju Arc
63. School Life Appears
64. The Secret Art of Being Attractive Appears
65. I Can't See Them! Absent
66. Hey, It's a Kaiju Absent
67. The Kaiju's Wicked Strong Absent
68. Kinta's Imagination Absent
69. Clash! Space Kaiju vs. Giant Robot! Absent
70. This Is How You Beat A Kaiju, Okay? Absent
71. I'm Sick of Robots and Kaiju! Absent
72. Somebody, Please Translate Appears
73. Let's Eat Some Takoyaki Absent
[v · e · ?]
Space Globalists Arc
74. Let's Go to School Absent
75. Ran Into Someone Deadly Absent
76. What Do We Do With Her? Absent
77. This Person is a Pain in the Butt Absent
78. A Pulse-Pounding Night Absent
79. Just Who the Heck Is This Person? Absent
80. Ran Into Some Deadly Dudes 2 Absent
81. What Do We Do About These Deadly Dudes? Absent
82. Number One Deadliest Dude Appears
83. At Work Appears
84. Annoying Dudes Appears
85. The Power of Nessie Appears
86. I Just Wanna Leave Already Appears
87. Can Never Sleep at a Manga Cafe Appears
88. Spy Appears
89. Argument Appears
90. What're We Gonna Do? Appears
91. Initiate! The Road to Counterattack! Appears
92. Just Can't Sleep Appears
93. Astral Body Adventure Appears
94. Please Tell Me How To Get Back Into My Body Appears
95. Day of the Decisive Battle Appears
96. Motivation Appears
97. What To Do About the Name? Appears
98. What To Do About My Beauty Treatment Absent
99. My Turn Absent
100. Close That Gate Absent
101. Vamola Appears
102. Vamola 2 Absent
103. Vamola 3 Absent
104. Vamola 4 Absent
105. Banga Absent
106. Vamola's Reasons Appears
107. I've Decided On Takoyaki Absent
108. I'm Gonna Kick Ya Into Tomorrow Absent
109. Mantis Shrimp's Calculation Appears
110. Wicked Power Appears
111. Everyone's Reconvened Appears
112. Today is a Tuesday Appears
113. Wreck 'Em Absent
114. A Persistent Bastard Appears
115. It's Kinta's Turn Onstage Appears
116. Howl, Great Kinta! Absent
117. Out of the Frying Pan Appears
118. The Power of Reiko Kashima Appears
119. That Note Appears
120. Reiko Kashima's Maiden Heart Absent

Anime Appearances[]

[v · e · ?]
Season 1
1. That's How Love Starts, Ya Know! Absent
2. That's a Space Alien, Ain't It?! Absent
3. It's a Granny vs. Granny Clash! Absent
4. Kicking Turbo Granny's Ass Absent
5. Like, Where Are Your Balls?! Absent
6. A Dangerous Woman Arrives Absent
7. To a Kinder World Absent
8. I've Got This Funny Feeling Debut
9. Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie! Appears
10. Have You Ever Seen a Cattle Mutilation? Appears
11. First Love Absent
12. Let's Go to the Cursed House Absent


  • The song Mr. Mantis Shrimp sings when he confronted Okarun and Aira is "Chiquitita" by the Swedish pop group ABBA. The lyrics to the song were altered in the anime's localization, presumably for copyright reasons.
  • Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Dover Demon Strong Style Twenty-Four form strongly resembles Alien Baltan from the Ultraman series.
  • The Serpo Energy Drink and the song Mr. Mantis Shrimp's sings when he first assumed his Dover Demon Strong Style Twenty-Four form references the Regain 24 energy drink commercials that plays the song "Yuki no Shirushi" by Saburō Tokitō.
Mantis Shrimp Alien Form

Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Dover Demon Strong Style Twenty-Four form's original design in chapter 23.

  • Before the tankōbon release of chapter 23, Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Dover Demon Strong Style Twenty-Four form was originally depicted with a pair of sunglasses that were soon discarded after commencing his attack on Okarun and Aira.
  • In the manga, the design to Mr. Mantis Shrimp's spaceship borrowed from Ludris holds a resemblance to the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. In the anime, the ship's design has been changed, presumably for copyright reasons.


Site Navigation[]

[v · e · ?]
Kamigoe City Ayase Residence Family
Kami High Faculty
Class 2-B
Class 2-C
Class 2-D
Class 2-E
Renjaku High School Class D
Moe Moe Kikoho
Daija Town Tsuchinoko Shrine
Earthbound Spirits
Planet Serpo
Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Planet (Link)
Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Race (Link)
Anatomical Models
Mongolian Death Worms