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Profoundly Mysterious Kick-the-Can Battle (缶蹴りをしよう Kankeri o Shiyou?) is a one-shot of the Dandadan manga series.


After Okarun arrives late to meet Momo for school, the two rush off, hoping to make it on time. Momo informs Okarun that her absence today will result in an additional lesson for her as a consequence, prompting Okarun to tell her that she should have gone ahead without him as he had advised before. Along the way, Momo notices a few cans on the ground and takes the initiative to pick them up using her psychic powers and throw them away, much to Okarun's amazement by how fast she managed to do this.

At school, Momo and Okarun leave the staff room after arriving late, much to Momo's frustration that she has to sit through an extra lesson as she anticipated. She then asks Okarun why he has been showing up late at their meeting point. Okarun states that he has been investigating certain ruins that have been associated with reports of alien sightings and that he prefers to do this work during the day due to his fear of being outside at night. Momo scolds Okarun for proposing to walk to school without him, highlighting their friendship. At the same time, she holds him accountable for making her late for work. Okarun argues that it is her fault for being tardy, given that she was the one who insisted on walking to school together. This response irritates Momo, leading her to declare that they will no longer walk together, much to Okarun's surprise, as he had not intended for this to happen.

In class, Momo feels depressed over what happened with her and Okarun. She then becomes startled discovering a launched can meant to strike her colliding with the window beside her. A mandrill expresses astonishment at Momo deflecting his attack and inquires how she accomplished such a feat, deeming it incomprehensible even for someone with his remarkable IQ of 300. Noticing from the window that its dark outside, Momo identifies the mandrill as an alien. After the Mandrill Alien strikes her with another can, propelling her through the window, Momo utilizes her psychic powers to grasp the window's ledge, ensuring her safe landing on the ground. The Mandrill Alien once again becomes astonished by Momo deflecting his attack and throws a couple of cans down at her, prompting Momo to block them with her psychic hands while demanding that he stop littering. Momo then notices a large can resting atop the school building, and witnesses Okarun fleeing from a crowd of can people, with Okarun cautioning her that the cans possess the ability to transform people into ambulatory cans. The Mandrill Alien states to them that escape is impossible as long as his Territory Can on the roof is affecting people at a 100-kilometer radius and reveals that his plan to dissect and experiment on every human turned into cans. The Mandrill Alien also states the Territory Can is a fragile piece of equipment and advises against them striking it down. While running from the can students to avoid turning into them, Momo instructs Okarun to transform into his Turbo Granny form. Okarun informs Momo that he is unable to, speculating that its due to the Territory Can's range. Momo then figures that destroying the Territory Can will put an end their situation and races up to the roof with Okarun. After making it, Momo prepares to kick the Territory Can. However, after the Mandrill Alien yells out to them not to, Okarun responds to this and gets between Momo and the can to stop her from kicking it. As a result of touching the Territory Can, Okarun gets turned into a walking can, much to Momo's shock. She then jumps off the roof and uses her powers to bring herself inside a classroom.

After Momo's realization that the Territory Can is set up to be trap, the Mandrill Alien expresses disappointment that Momo did not transform into a can as he had planned and reveals that the Territory Can is designed to transform people into cans if they touch it in an attempt to destroy it. He then commends Momo for not being as barbaric and foolish as he had initially thought all humans were, resulting in him being eager to dissect her. In response to this statement, Momo tells the Mandrill Alien that he has been mistaken all along, asserting that he is the monkey and the one lacking intelligence, while claiming that her IQ surpasses his at an impressive 3,000,000. She then reacts on time to use her psychic power to block his can swing and keeps her defense up to block a barrage of launched cans, having enraged the Mandrill Alien for insulting his intelligence. The Mandrill Alien warns Momo that the small cans he is launching can also convert her into a can and expresses doubt about her ability to sustain her shield for long. Momo retorts that she can continue to block his attacks for at least fifty years and believes that he is the one who is becoming exhausted. The Mandrill Alien, however, perceives her claims as mere bluster, as indicated by the weakening of her shield. After ceasing his assault, with Momo bleeding from her hands from deflecting the cans, the Mandrill Alien suggests that she apologize to him, believing that she will not survive his next attack. The Mandrill Alien then reacts with shock seeing the classroom falling apart. Momo discloses to the Mandrill Alien that her intention was to deceive him into demolishing the pillar that supported the Territory Can on the roof, allowing Earth's gravity to facilitate its collapse as a means of destruction. As she tries to get out of the debris, the Mandrill Alien moves in to try and attack her with his staff, declaring that he will defeat her no matter what. However, he is attacked and knocked out of the school by Okarun after launches himself in his Turbo Granny form. Following this, Okarun tells Momo that he misses her and offers an apology for being useless the whole time, to which Momo responds with relief at his return to his normal state. With the Mandrill Alien defeated, Momo and Okarun return to reality, along with the students who had previously been transformed into cans, now questioning how they got up to the rooftop.

While walking home from school, Momo expresses her exhaustion after today's event. She then tells Okarun not to follow her, letting him know that she is still mad at him. Okarun apologizes to Momo, putting the blame on himself, and pleas to her to not be angry at him anymore. After Momo tells him that it's too late, Okarun presents Momo with a special edition DVD of Golgo 13 she had her eye on at the Nakano Broadway Mall as a gift, much to her excitement. After Momo inquires how he managed to buy an expensive item, Okarun reveals that he got a job delivering newspapers in the morning and that he wanted to keep this a secret from her. Okarun then apologizes again, admitting that he only worsened the situation by making her late for school, and humbly requests that they go back to walking to school again. After being touched by Okarun, Momo answers that it is possible and, while bumping him, insists on giving her apology for getting angry at him.

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[v · e · ?]
Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 12345
Volume 2 67891011121314
Volume 3 151617181920212223
Volume 4 242526272829303132
Volume 5 3334353637383940One-Shot
Volume 6 414243444546474849
Volume 7 505152535455565758
Volume 8 596061626364656667
Volume 9 686970717273747576
Volume 10 777879808182838485
Volume 11 8687888990919293
Volume 12 949596979899100101102
Volume 13 103104105106107108109110111
Volume 14 112113114115116117118119120
Volume 15 121122123124125126127128129
Volume 16 130131132133134135136137138
Volume 17 139140141142143144145146147
Volume 18 148149150151152153154155156
Chapters not yet in
tankōbon format
[v · e · ?]
Chapters and Story Arcs
Kintama Hunt Saga
Turbo Granny Arc 12345678
Acrobatic Silky Arc 91011121314151617
Serpo Arc 18192021222324252627
Cursed House Arc 2829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950
Evil Eye Arc 515253545556575859606162
Kaiju Arc 6364656667686970717273
Space Globalists Arc 7475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120
Onbusuman Arc 121122123124125126127128
Danmanra Arc 129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165
Current Saga
Kozuka Knives Arc 166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183