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This article may contain major spoilers for the Dandadan manga series.
Please read at your own risk.

The Serpo Aliens (セルポ星人 Serupo Seijin?, Viz: Serpoian) are an entirely male alien race who come from Planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli system.

In Dandadan, they serve as minor antagonists during the Turbo Granny Arc and primary antagonists during the Serpo Arc.


Due to their race being exclusively all male, the Serpo have no way of reproducing naturally and resort to using cloning technology. However, since biological evolution cannot occur within identical beings, the Serpo found this solution to be ineffective and seek to gain reproductive organs by abducting humans from Earth and stealing their reproductive organs (aka "bananas").

Physical Characteristics[]

The Serpo are often seen sporting grey-skinned, outwardly male humanoid disguises. These disguises share a common outfit consisting of white, collared button up shirts tucked into grey dress pants, leather belts, and brown shoes. The heads of the disguises are notable for their thin lips which are drawn into incredibly wide and disconcerting smiles.

Out of their disguises, the Serpo have angular, slug-like heads with large, prominent lips and broad teeth. Their bodies are broad and sharply angled around the shoulders and torso. Black markings cover most of their bodies. They have two fingers and two thumbs in each hand, and their feet are clefted at the ends. Serpo also possess a set of headlight-like crystalline eyes whose color varies between individual Serpo, such as pink, yellow, cyan, red, green, or purple.


Psychological Characteristics[]

The Serpo are forceful and violent towards humans when abducting them but are otherwise oblivious to this, believing that their actions are peaceful. They also prefer to abduct female humans over male humans and have stated that they despise encountering humans that act barbaric (i.e. those who fight back). Another interest they have are the supernatural abilities of humans who have gained powers from spirits, since those powers often surpass the capabilities of the Serpo's already highly advanced technologies.

Other than being obliviously hostile towards humans, the Serpo are brunt and cold towards their subordinates, having no concern for their hired help's well-being and viewing them as nothing but cheap and easily replaceable. While the Dover Demon took on the task of fighting Momo, Okarun and Aira, the Serpo attempted to spur him during his poor performance by deducting his salary and injecting him with a mutagenic fluid meant to give him increased speed and strength (in spite of his objections).


As manufactured clones, the Serpos have artificial bodies that are predominantly mechanical yet partially organic, evidenced by their ability to bleed. They are capable of surviving otherwise grievous bodily harm including the loss of their limbs and their entire lower halves.

Internal Tools[]

The mechanical bodies of the Serpos are installed with various tools that are stored within their groin and abdomen:

Reproductive Tool
A mechanical appendage with a retractable needle used for purpose of extracting reproductive organs (referred to as "banana organs") from female humans through sexual intercourse. The cable can also be used to increase the power of an alien.
Serpo Reproductive Tool
A single large pair of scissors that are used for to extract the genitalia of male humans.
Scissor Tool (Anime)
Body Cables
Two cables with needles that are capable of fusing a Serpo's body with one or more lifeforms.
Amalgamation Cables (Anime)


The Serpo This Man Version

Serpos who have turned into This Man.

The creation of a Serpo that is identical in appearance and behaves similarly to the rest requires the input of a specific set of data. In the event their data is overwritten at the time of their birth, a Serpo will take on a different form called This Man (ディス マン Disu Man?). This form resembles a semi-bald man with large eyebrows wearing a zipper sweatshirt and baggy sweatpants. A Serpo's execution of their psychokinesis is altered as well; clapping their hands together instead of thrusting their hand foward or forming the letter T.

Abilities and Powers[]

Super-Intelligence: The Serpo are incredibly intelligent, possessing advanced skills in science and technology. With their advanced technology, they are able to create clones of themselves, construct tools within their bodies, build UFOs, and construct the devices needed to cast Empty Space.

Psychokinesis [v · e]
Serpo's Psychokinesis

The Serpo possess psychic powers, allowing them to manipulate objects and people, exert shockwaves, create psychic fields, and manipulate brainwaves, which is used to induce a state of physical arousal in abducted humans when preparing to extract their reproductive organs.

Six Sense Organ
(六根 Rokkon?)
Six Sense Organ
By extending their hand forward, the Serpo can send out shockwaves strong enough to create craters on walls to attack their target.
Serpoian Form Serpo-Grammetry
(セルポ式測量法 Serupo-shiki Sokuryō Hō?)
Serpoian Form Serpo-Grammetry
After having the fingers from their left hand point into the palm of their right hand to make the shape of the letter T, the Serpo sends out a stronger variant of Six Sense Organ, which Aira describes as being hit by an "invisible wall".
Amazing Zone
(すごいゾーン Sugoi Zōn?)
Amazing Zone
By combining their psychokinetic powers together, the Serpo are able to create a pressurize field that is able to nullify and subdue a human with yokai powers.



In the 1960's and 1970's, with the support of aliens that had survived the Roswell Incident, the United States military sent twelve people on a study exchange to the Planet Serpo. Of the twelve, two died on Planet Serpo and another eight returned to Earth but eventually died due to the powerful ultraviolet radiation they were exposed to on the alien's world. The remaining two opted to stay on Serpo; their fates are unknown.

Turbo Granny Arc[]

At Nagi Hospital, the Serpo encounter Momo Ayase and forcibly abduct her to extract her reproductive organs. Before they could begin their procedure, a possessed Okarun unexpectedly appears out of Momo's phone and attacks the aliens. After managing to subdue him with their psychic powers, the Serpo proceed with the procedure on Momo. However, after overstimulating her brainwaves, the Serpo accidently unlock Momo's psychic powers and are defeated after the girl destroys their ship.

Serpo Arc[]

Episode 8-6

The Serpo targets Okarun for his powers.

Intrigued by what they saw from Okarun while he was possessed by Turbo Granny, the Serpo, along with the Dover Demon and Nessie as subordinates, locate and confront him at his school with the intention of taking his supernatural abilities for themselves. They are met with unexpected interference from Aira Shiratori, a spiritually aware human girl wielding Acrobatic Silky's abilities. The Serpo have the Dover Demon fight back against her and use their combined psychokinesis to subdue both Okarun and Aira. However, the Serpo are shocked when Momo arrives and overrides their psychic powers with her own, allowing Okarun and Aira to continue fighting them. To gain the upper hand, the Serpo forcefully mutate the Dover Demon but are disappointed to see that it is fighting poorly against Okarun and Aira's coordinated attacks. The Serpo then find themselves attacked by Nessie, in spite of their hiring it specifically to fend off Momo. One Serpo is quickly bisected while chastising Nessie for failing to keep Momo occupied, and another is decapitated shortly thereafter to the horror of the Dover Demon.

SDDN's High-Compression Water Blast (Anime)

The Serpo Dover Demon Nessie attacks Momo, Okarun, and Aira.

With only one member left alive, the Serpo uses his Amalgamation Cables to merge himself with Nessie and the Dover Demon to eliminate Okarun, Momo, and Aira. The Serpo Dover Demon Nessie attacks them with high-compression water blasts from its mouth but soon runs out of water after the three managed to evade his beams. After absorbing the water from his neck to reload, Okarun, Momo, and Aira realized that the Serpo Dover Demon Nessie can't fire the blasts continuously and believes that attacking his neck will cease his assaults. Aira uses her hair to restrict the Serpo Dover Demon Nessie's neck and moves to strike it. However, the fused alien intercepts her with a punch, stating that, despite his appearance, he is a close-combat fighter due to having the Dover Demon's mantis shrimp arms.

Okarun defeats SDDN (Anime)

The Serpo Dover Demon Nessie defeated by Okarun.

Viewing Momo as dangerous, the Serpo Dover Demon Nessie confronts her with the intent to beat her to death and dissect her body later. However, before he could land his attacks, Momo uses her psychic powers to force back the surrounding water, causing the Serpo Dover Demon Nessie's arms to shatter under the stress of throwing full-force punches without being underwater. The fused alien then catches Momo by his teeth, first trying to bite down on her then simply holding her in place in hopes that she will eventually drown. During this time, he begins to charge another high-compression water blast meant to bisect her. However, the Serpo Dover Demon Nessie finds his neck caught by Aira's hair once again and panics as Okarun uses it as a runway to launch himself through its body, obliterating it.


  • The body design for the Serpo greatly resembles the Dada race from the Ultraman series.
    • Certain parts of their body are based on another race of aliens called Alien Pegassa.
    • The position of the Serpo's arms when using the Serpo Formula Surveying Method is a reference to the pose struck by Ultraman when using his Ultra Beam.
  • The name Serpo in relation to extraterrestrial entities is prominent in Ufology, sometimes as a government project, other times as the homeworld of an alien race.
  • The Serpo's disguised face coincidentally resembles former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and become viral meme edited by among Thai fans.



[v · e · ?]
Kamigoe City Ayase Residence Family
Kami High Faculty
Class 2-B
Class 2-C
Class 2-D
Class 2-E
Renjaku High School Class D
Moe Moe Kikoho
Daija Town Tsuchinoko Shrine
Earthbound Spirits
Planet Serpo
Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Planet (Link)
Mr. Mantis Shrimp's Race (Link)
Anatomical Models
Mongolian Death Worms