Volume 12 is the twelfth volume of Yukinobu Tatsu's Dandadan.
A gravely injured Okarun wakes up to an out-of-body experience! And when he answers Momo's phone, he's sucked through the telephone wires to where Seiko and Turbo Granny are in the middle of a battle. Thankfully, Turbo Granny is able to teach Okarun a technique for returning to his body that will also help in the impending alien invasion. Elsewhere, Momo and the others are undergoing their own training, but when they return home on the predicted date of the invasion, they find it's already begun!
- 094. Please Tell Me How To Get Back Into My Body (体の戻り方教えてください Karada no Modorikata Oshiete Kudasai?)
- 095. Day of the Decisive Battle (決戦の日 Kessen no Hi?)
- 096. Motivation (やる気 Yaruki?)
- 097. What To Do About the Name? (どーする名前 Dō Suru Namae?)
- 098. What To Do About My Beauty Treatment (どーする美容 Dō Suru Biyō?)
- 099. My Turn (おれのターン Ore no Tān?)
- 100. Close That Gate (ゲートを閉じろ Gēto o Tojiro?)
- 101. Vamola (バモラ Bamora?)
- 102. Vamola 2 (バモラ2 Bamora 2?)